Single-Use Plastic Eradication: Are Women the Key?

Growing up in the Blantyre city of Malawi in the late 80s and early 90s, women/mothers were mainly concerned with child care and home management. The few that ventured into…

Disasters as an Opportunity for Addressing Gender Inequality in Malawi

Current Climate Change Situation Climate change continues to take a toll on the lives of people across the globe. According to UN Women, the effects of it are so dire…

Awareness of Climate Change – South Africa’s Most Pressing Problems

Afrobarometer Findings Recently, Afrobarometer, a non-profit organisation researching public opinion on the African continent[1], published a paper called “Despite growing evidence, climate change is still unknown to many South Africans”.[2]…

Blind hopes for children’s participation in climate change

The 2021/2022 rainy season in Malawi will among other things be remembered by the devastating images of houses submerged in water, flooded rivers, and roads that have been cut off.…

Climate change and human rights – The significant action of Gabon in protecting human rights in a changing climate

In Africa, the significances of climate change include, among other aspects, the transformation of weather patterns, biodiversity destruction and wider occurrence of more infectious diseases. All these events, in their…

Protecting persons displaced due to the impacts of climate change in Africa: Through a new treaty, or through a ‘progressive’ interpretation?

ANALYSIS Abiy Ashenafi 30 April 2022 Because of the impacts of climate change, millions of people are being uprooted from their homes and countries. It is estimated that, by 2050,…

Need to give more importance to climate justice than to net zero targets

OPINION Prof. Dr Phillipe Cullet 31 March 2022 COP26 specifically recognized the importance of the concept of climate justice in the preamble to the Glasgow Climate Pact. Yet, the main…

From Paris to Glasgow: Towards an African-Focused COP 27

ANALYSIS Kilili Nthiw’a 31 March 2022 The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place…

Plastic Waste and Waste Disposal – Current Issues of Global Environmental Change

ANALYSIS Julia Reiher 25 March 2022 Alarming pictures of burning landfills at the margins of our cities or dying marine species in large garbage swirls come to mind when thinking…

Winds of Change: Youth and Climate Activism

OPINION Dr Bright Nkrumah 11 March 2022 The State of Affairs At the turn of the millennium, a growing number of young Africans have joined global movements to agitate for…