AfCFTA Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade: A Review

Introduction The Protocol on Women and Youth in trade (PWYT) is path-breaking given that it improves upon most of the existing regional trade agreements (RTAs) which do not incorporate specific…

The Right to a Clean and Healthy Environment in Africa through the Lens of Regional Integration

Introduction The UN General Assembly on 28th July, 2022 adopted a landmark resolution recognizing and making a declaration that the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a…

Creating Momentum for More Integrationist Judgments in African RECs: Lessons from Van Gend Decision

ANALYSIS Nelson Otieno 08 October 2021 The success of the European economic integration project has influenced similar efforts across the world. Notably, the European experience has proved that regional courts…

Regional Integration and State Sovereignty: Should State Sovereignty be Sacrificed to Safeguard Regional Integration?

COMMENT Gilbert Hagabimana 30 April 2021 Under regional integration process, sovereign states voluntarily combine their efforts in order to create common interests and objectives. At the same time, state sovereignty…

So Near Yet Too Far: Insights on Intrigues of Harmonization of Cybercrime Regulation in EAC

ANALYSIS Nelson Otieno 23 April 2021 Every regional integration arrangement has its ups and downs. One example being the East African Community (EAC). Yet, the prospects and challenges of integration…

Reinventing Regional Mobility across Africa through the Single African Air Transport Market

COMMENT Louis Gitinywa 16 April 2021 After Asia, Africa is the world’s second fastest growing region. Yet across the different regional blocs[1] there are big challenges in driving sustainable growth,…

Kenya’s Repatriation of Refugees in a Wake of Regional Integration

COMMENT Jan Maina 09 April 2021 Kenya has in the past week ordered closure of Daadab and Kakuma Refugee camps which are among the world largest refugee camps[1]. In light…

Appraisal of Legal Challenges and Intra-Regional Trade Within EAC

ANALYSIS Otieno Kennedy Abuya 02 April 2021 The East African Community (EAC) is one of the many Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Africa. The bloc is made up of six…