The Darker Side of Chocolate: The Bittersweet Reality of Child Labour in Chocolate Production

Introduction In an increasingly interconnected global economy, the safeguarding of children’s rights has emerged as a critical concern, particularly regarding the operations of multinational corporations (MNCs) across diverse jurisdictions. Child…

Leave it to our children

An Appeal To Involve The Youth In Climate Policy Introduction Some of the most influential politicians could be our grandfathers and -mothers. They stand there confidently and preach that they…

Is Article 34 (6) rendering the African Human Rights System ineffective?

Introduction The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the ‘African Charter’) is the central international human rights instrument charged with the promotion and protection of human rights on the…

Universalism of Human Rights versus Cultural Relativism within the African discourse

Introduction The discourse surrounding cultural relativism and universalism in the context of human rights is a contentious and thought-provoking subject which is not just an academically discussed issue, but also…

 An analysis of the infringed human rights in Kenya during the recent unrest

Introduction On 11 July 2024, Kenyan President William Ruto has announced the dismissal of almost his entire cabinet and consultations to form a “broad-based government” following widespread anti-government protests. President…

Child labour laws in Ghana: What’s next?

Child labour situation in Ghana The ILO’s 2020 report on child labour indicates that the sub-Saharan region now has more children in child labour than the rest of the world…

The Legal Status of Indigenous Peoples within the East African Community

Indigenous peoples are found across almost all the Partner States of the East Africa Community (EAC) and are broadly categorised into nomadic, semi-nomadic and hunter-gatherer communities. Defining Indigenous Peoples in…

The Legal Analysis of Community Rights in Environment Decision-Making in the Federal Republic of Somalia

Introduction People often feel hopeless and powerless to protect the environment, themselves, their families and their individual rights. However, through the creative use of the law, a number of notable successes…

Child Lab(our): A Systematic Model for Addressing Child Labour

Introduction Our daughter became overexcited after receiving the first letter addressed in her name, an invitation to attend a school entrance examination. She has always wanted to receive a letter…

Seeking asylum is no crime, and neither illegal

This could be your story. Imagine you grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which “is considered the world’s richest country in terms of wealth in natural…