African Multiple Identity in Diaspora – A Critical Reflection on Anti-Racism from the Perspective of Literature

COMMENT Dyoniz Kindata 21 May 2021 “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the…

On the Demand to Make Peace with Mediocrity

COMMENT Dr Serawit Debele 14 May 2021 Introducing this series, Prof. Kaime writes about the dangers of the pacifying tendencies from those  who “suggest a toning down of the rhetoric…

Tackling the Problem of Plastic Pollution in Malawi through the Environmental Management Act (2017)?

ANALYSIS Lena Scheibinger 12 May 2021 Following some pioneering initiatives in the neighbouring East African Community,[i] the government of Malawi imposed a ban on thin plastic bags in March 2015.[ii]…

Insights and Additional Information on the Socio-Legal Discourse around Anti-Racism

Intersectionality as a Key Concept for the Protection Against Multiple Discrimination The concept of intersectionality takes into account the interpenetration of various identity categories like race, gender, class, sexuality and…

Researching Key Issues in African Law

Recently, the Chair for African Legal Studies hosted a seminar on key issues in African law. The seminar focused on key emerging legal issues on the African continent, addressing topical…

Struggling for an Anti-Racist World

COMMENT Prof. Dr Thoko Kaime 01 May 2021 Throughout May 2021, the Chair of African Legal Studies focuses on anti-racism through its dedicated blog at In this short comment…

Regional Integration and State Sovereignty: Should State Sovereignty be Sacrificed to Safeguard Regional Integration?

COMMENT Gilbert Hagabimana 30 April 2021 Under regional integration process, sovereign states voluntarily combine their efforts in order to create common interests and objectives. At the same time, state sovereignty…

Is Civil War Coming to Somalia?

COMMENT René Brosius 28 April 2021 The conflict over elections in Somalia[1] , which has been ongoing since last summer, has reached the next stage of escalation. Internationally mediated talks…

So Near Yet Too Far: Insights on Intrigues of Harmonization of Cybercrime Regulation in EAC

ANALYSIS Nelson Otieno 23 April 2021 Every regional integration arrangement has its ups and downs. One example being the East African Community (EAC). Yet, the prospects and challenges of integration…

Reinventing Regional Mobility across Africa through the Single African Air Transport Market

COMMENT Louis Gitinywa 16 April 2021 After Asia, Africa is the world’s second fastest growing region. Yet across the different regional blocs[1] there are big challenges in driving sustainable growth,…