ANALYSIS Prof. Dr Stefan Ouma 31 May 2021 Books abound on what is wrong with economics (Chang 2014; Keen 2011; Nelson 2018, Mazzucato 2018, Raworth 2018, Stanford 2015), and what…
OPINION Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt 28 May 2021 I wish to thank Thoko Kaime for his most powerful intervention. Indeed, the longevity of racism is in need of an allyship…
ANALYSIS David Malluche 28 May 2021 In the wake of the recent global rise of Anti-Racist movements, local activists and scholars have brought increasing attention to the racial legacies of…
COMMENT Lena Scheibinger 21 May 2021 Former settler colonies in Southern Africa like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa are characterized by former unlawful land seizure resulting in contemporary unequal…
COMMENT Dyoniz Kindata 21 May 2021 “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the…
COMMENT Dr Serawit Debele 14 May 2021 Introducing this series, Prof. Kaime writes about the dangers of the pacifying tendencies from those who “suggest a toning down of the rhetoric…
ANALYSIS Lena Scheibinger 12 May 2021 Following some pioneering initiatives in the neighbouring East African Community,[i] the government of Malawi imposed a ban on thin plastic bags in March 2015.[ii]…
Intersectionality as a Key Concept for the Protection Against Multiple Discrimination The concept of intersectionality takes into account the interpenetration of various identity categories like race, gender, class, sexuality and…
Recently, the Chair for African Legal Studies hosted a seminar on key issues in African law. The seminar focused on key emerging legal issues on the African continent, addressing topical…
COMMENT Prof. Dr Thoko Kaime 01 May 2021 Throughout May 2021, the Chair of African Legal Studies focuses on anti-racism through its dedicated blog at In this short comment…