This is an interdisciplinary platform for exciting insights, opinions, reviews, and critical analyses of human rights issues in Africa. A cross-section of contributors shares and cover human rights issues related to policy, advocacy, practice, and awareness. The insights shared unveil a wide spectrum where human rights principles and theories interface with lived realities of people and communities in Africa.
Besides the blog contributions, the and the Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth are constantly developing new initiatives to exchange and engage with scholars and practitioners. These include research projects such as “Intractable Human Rights Issues” or debate series (e.g. “Everyone’s human rights”).
Source: Brett Jordan 2019 OPINION Isabelle Zundel 27 February 2022 In another blog contribution in July 2021, I stressed the importance of “Decolonizing Law and…
Source: Unseen Histories 2020 ANALYSIS Kilili Nthiw’a 27 February 2022 Earlier this week on Monday the 21st February 2022, Malcom X would have been approximately…
Source: National Geographic (2021) ANALYSIS Cecilia Ngaiza 25 February 2022 The narration of the black history in relation to the aftermath of colonialism in the…
Source: UjaamaAlive.Africa 2019 COMMENT Dr Serawit Debele 18 February 2022 February is that time of the year when a whole month is dedicated to Black…
Source: Thurgau 2017 ANALYSIS Prof. Dr Bernd Kannowski 11 February 2022 Black history is a history of struggles for freedom. Today, we are still fighting…
COMMENT Dr Cassandra Mark-Thiesen 04 February 2022 Black History Month is undoubtedly a product of the United States, and in particular of Black American struggle…