Solving the Fertile Infertility of the ‘Golden Standard’ in the GDPR

General abstract The theory of cross-fertilization harbours potential for prioritizing and guiding contemporary proposals on reforming the one-size-fits-all approach in GDPR-styled data protection law and practice in Africa. Introduction The…

Colonial ‘treaties’ are not worth the paper unless expressly and freely adopted by the independent State 

I. Background   Ethiopia has constructed the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile River in the Benishangul-Gumuz region, some 14 kilometres east of its border with Sudan. This…

Why did Democracy Fail in Somalia?

ANALYSIS René Brosius 23 July 2021 If you ask older Somalis about the time shortly after the country’s independence, they often advise you very politely: Firstly, that Somalia was never…