This is an interdisciplinary platform for exciting insights, opinions, reviews, and critical analyses of human rights issues in Africa. A cross-section of contributors shares and cover human rights issues related to policy, advocacy, practice, and awareness. The insights shared unveil a wide spectrum where human rights principles and theories interface with lived realities of people and communities in Africa.
Besides the blog contributions, the and the Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth are constantly developing new initiatives to exchange and engage with scholars and practitioners. These include research projects such as “Intractable Human Rights Issues” or debate series (e.g. “Everyone’s human rights”).
COMMENT Lisa Strube 6 November 2020 Nowadays, it is undisputed that tourism does not only bring positive aspects. Specifically in countries of the Global South,…
ANALYSIS JOAN SMARTS MUKISA 30 October 2020 Matrimonial property is defined as property jointly acquired during the subsistence of a marriage[1]. The nature of contribution…
OPINION Dr Olivia Kokushubila Lwabukuna 29 October 2020 The 2020 Elections actually started in 2015 when the current longest ruling party in sub-Saharan Africa, Chama…
ANALYSIS Elena Barth 22 October 2020 When emerging from a period of violence, oppression and systematic human rights abuses, transitional societies are necessarily concerned with…
ANALYSIS Freda Louwes 5 October 2020 The Sustainable Development Goal 5.3 promotes the elimination of all harmful practices, such as child marriage, early and forced…
COMMENT Isabelle Zundel 30 September 2020 It is a major challenge to introduce the notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was way more than an American…