This is an interdisciplinary platform for exciting insights, opinions, reviews, and critical analyses of human rights issues in Africa. A cross-section of contributors shares and cover human rights issues related to policy, advocacy, practice, and awareness. The insights shared unveil a wide spectrum where human rights principles and theories interface with lived realities of people and communities in Africa.
Besides the blog contributions, the and the Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth are constantly developing new initiatives to exchange and engage with scholars and practitioners. These include research projects such as “Intractable Human Rights Issues” or debate series (e.g. “Everyone’s human rights”).
Source: UNICEF ANALYSIS Lisa Strube 04 June 2021 According to UNICEF, there are 218 million working children between the ages of 5 and 17 years…
Source: M.B.M. ANALYSIS Prof. Dr Stefan Ouma 31 May 2021 Books abound on what is wrong with economics (Chang 2014; Keen 2011; Nelson 2018, Mazzucato…
Source: Danny Lines OPINION Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt 28 May 2021 I wish to thank Thoko Kaime for his most powerful intervention. Indeed, the longevity…
Source: SwissInfo ANALYSIS David Malluche 28 May 2021 In the wake of the recent global rise of Anti-Racist movements, local activists and scholars have brought…
Source: Clay Banks COMMENT Lena Scheibinger 21 May 2021 Former settler colonies in Southern Africa like Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa are characterized by…
Source: Jon Tyson COMMENT Dr Serawit Debele 14 May 2021 Introducing this series, Prof. Kaime writes about the dangers of the pacifying tendencies from those …