Why the Constitutional Court in South Africa plays a crucial role in the upcoming elections

Jacob Zuma wants to be South Africa’s next President In 2023, Jacob Zuma, South Africa’s former President, registered his new political party uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK). The party is about…

Colonial ‘treaties’ are not worth the paper unless expressly and freely adopted by the independent State 

I. Background   Ethiopia has constructed the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile River in the Benishangul-Gumuz region, some 14 kilometres east of its border with Sudan. This…

Breaking Boundaries: Assessing the AU’s Legal Position on Self-Determination

Introduction Colonial borders in Africa have long been accepted as sacrosanct and not to be tampered with.[1] The OAU declared that “all Member States pledge themselves to respect the borders…

Colonial looted art – a long way home

According to the 2018 report “Restitution of African Cultural Heritage. Toward a New Relational Ethics” by Senegalese academic and writer Felwine Sarr and French art historian Bénédicte Savoy, almost the…

Germany’s obligation under international law to make reparation payments to the Ovaherero for genocide

It is almost unanimously agreed upon that between 1904 and 1908 the German Empire committed genocide after today’s understanding (in the following “genocide”)[1] against the ethnic groups of Ovaherero and…

“We exist!” – Fighting homophobia in Tunisia: changing the laws and changing mentalities

OPINION Sifa 16 September 2022 Beginning of Queer visibility In 2011, the Tunisian people overthrew the regime of the despotic ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his familial clan…

The relationship between the African Union and the International Criminal Court – Is the ICC targeting Africa?

When the International Criminal Court (ICC) was founded in 2002, most states considered it to be a breakthrough for the international fight against crimes of war, genocides, and crimes against…

Is Civil War Coming to Somalia?

COMMENT René Brosius 28 April 2021 The conflict over elections in Somalia[1] , which has been ongoing since last summer, has reached the next stage of escalation. Internationally mediated talks…

Somalia vs. Kenya – The maritime border dispute

COMMENT René Brosius 09 April 2021 Somalia and Kenya do not have a tension-free relationship. Many reasons for this lie in the conflict-ridden history. The border between the two countries…

Encouraging Renewable Energy Deployment in Kenya – Analysing the Legal and PoliticalTools

ANALYSIS Hannah Kadner 12 March 2021 Kenya 2030 – a mission (almost) accomplished. A mission designed to address the issue of insufficient energy supply in the East African country. Considering…