(In)destructibility of Neo-Colonial Knowledge Production – Decolonisation in the Representation of Research Subjects

OPINION Isabelle Zundel 27 February 2022 In another blog contribution in July 2021, I stressed the importance of “Decolonizing Law and its Practitioner’s Minds”. Today, I would like to continue…

“By Any Means Necessary”: Remembering Malcom X and his Abrasive Racial Separatism Approach

ANALYSIS Kilili Nthiw’a 27 February 2022 Earlier this week on Monday the 21st February 2022, Malcom X would have been approximately three months shy of his 97th birthday. It marked…

Colonial Legacy and the Nubians in Kenya: A Question of Identity

ANALYSIS Cecilia Ngaiza 25 February 2022 The narration of the black history in relation to the aftermath of colonialism in the post-colonial Africa encompasses the question of damaged identity to…

Celebrating Steve Biko Ingeminating Black Consciousness

COMMENT Dr Serawit Debele 18 February 2022 February is that time of the year when a whole month is dedicated to Black people to celebrate themselves and be celebrated by…

The Declaration on the Abolition of Slave Trade by the Congress of Vienna (1815)

ANALYSIS Prof. Dr Bernd Kannowski 11 February 2022 Black history is a history of struggles for freedom. Today, we are still fighting structural racism and everyday discrimination. A few decades…

A Good Deed for Liberia?

COMMENT Dr Cassandra Mark-Thiesen 04 February 2022 Black History Month is undoubtedly a product of the United States, and in particular of Black American struggle in that specific nation. But…

Human Rights are Inherent to Every Human, or are They?

ANALYSIS Gift Gawanani Mauluka 28 January 2022 Climate change has many impacts on children’s rights. In many cases of extreme vulnerability, such as situations of child labour, those impacts are…

Access to Mining Rights in South Africa: Laying the Foundation of the Principle of Informed Consent

ANALYSIS Ange-Dorine Irakoze The regime of mining ownership in the South African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002 (MPRDA)[1] is founded on State’s custodianship rights. Under this custodianship, the…

‘Good Order’ as Basis for Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessment during Transitional Periods

ANALYSIS Nelson Otieno 21 January 2022 Registration of Persons Act[1] is the legislation that provides for registration of Kenyans who have attained the actual or apparent age of eighteen years…

Breaking New Legal Ground. Botswana on the rise in the protection of LGBTQI+ rights

ANALYSIS Isabelle Zundel 14 January 2021 Botswana’s jurisdiction is well-known for its past ground-breaking decisions and thereby courageous commitment to protect human rights[1]. With the recent decision “Letsweletse Motshidiemang v…