Protection of Children Deprived of their Family Environment: The Right to Alternative Care in Tanzania

OPINION Veronica Buchumi 27 November 2020 The importance of a family environment for a child A loving, happy, and understanding family environment is all a child could wish and need…

International Day of the Child

COMMENT Prof. Fareda Banda 20 November 2020 In Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, the protagonist, a Black girl explains how she no longer believes in God because he had failed…

Presidential Elections in Kenya and Malawi – Some Comparative Reflections

ANALYSIS Laura Radzey 13 November 2020 The right to vote is fundamental for any democratic state. Yet simply holding elections is not sufficient if the standards of free, fair and…

Tourism-related land rights conflicts in Namibia – the Etosha Case: Tsumib v. Government of the Republic of Namibia

COMMENT Lisa Strube 6 November 2020 Nowadays, it is undisputed that tourism does not only bring positive aspects. Specifically in countries of the Global South, the tourism sector often hides…

Climate Justice in the Global South

The Chair of African Legal Studies hosted a Seminar on Climate Justice in the Global South. Watch the lectures of leading experts from around the Globe! Part 1: International Institutional…