Tourism-related land rights conflicts in Namibia – the Etosha Case: Tsumib v. Government of the Republic of Namibia

COMMENT Lisa Strube 6 November 2020 Nowadays, it is undisputed that tourism does not only bring positive aspects. Specifically in countries of the Global South, the tourism sector often hides…

Climate Justice in the Global South

The Chair of African Legal Studies hosted a Seminar on Climate Justice in the Global South. Watch the lectures of leading experts from around the Globe! Part 1: International Institutional…

Education Qualifications as part of Matrimonial Property

ANALYSIS JOAN SMARTS MUKISA 30 October 2020 Matrimonial property is defined as property jointly acquired during the subsistence of a marriage[1]. The nature of contribution can be direct (monetary) or…

Hapa Kazi Tu! Democratic, Political and Legal Contestations in Tanzania’s 2020 Elections

OPINION Dr Olivia Kokushubila Lwabukuna 29 October 2020 The 2020 Elections actually started in 2015 when the current longest ruling party in sub-Saharan Africa, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) presidential candidate,…

Rwanda`s Gacaca Courts: Looking back on an innovative mechanism of transitional justice

ANALYSIS Elena Barth 22 October 2020 When emerging from a period of violence, oppression and systematic human rights abuses, transitional societies are necessarily concerned with the question of whether and…

Child Marriage – The Impact of COVID-19 on the Practice of Child Marriage

ANALYSIS Freda Louwes 5 October 2020 The Sustainable Development Goal 5.3 promotes the elimination of all harmful practices, such as child marriage, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation…

The legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and our collective responsibility

COMMENT Isabelle Zundel 30 September 2020 It is a major challenge to introduce the notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was way more than an American jurist. She was the second…

Peoples’ Rights in Africa: Bridging the Era of Independence Struggles with the Present

COMMENT Cecilia Ngaiza 30 August 2020 Reading through the preamble to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the “Charter”) one may gather an…

Economic Globalization and COVID-19

What lessons for food security in West Africa? OPINION Dr. Alhousseini DIABATE 10 August 2020 Under the impetus of international donors, West African countries have adopted the model of economic globalization…

Black Lives Matter

Prof. Dr Thoko Kaime 24 June 2020 The Chair of African Legal Studies expresses deep solidarity with the protests against structural racism and its daily manifestations in the USA, in…