Human Rights

This is an interdisciplinary platform for exciting insights, opinions, reviews, and critical analyses of human rights issues in Africa. A cross-section of contributors shares and cover human rights issues related to policy, advocacy, practice, and awareness. The insights shared unveil a wide spectrum where human rights principles and theories interface with lived realities of people and communities in Africa.

Besides the blog contributions, the and the Chair of African Legal Studies at the University of Bayreuth are constantly developing new initiatives to exchange and engage with scholars and practitioners. These include research projects such as “Intractable Human Rights Issues” or debate series (e.g. “Everyone’s human rights”).

How the judgment by the German Federal Constitutional Court on the German debt brake entrenches climate injustice

Jean-Aristid BanyurwaheOct 25, 202414 min read
How the judgment by the German Federal Constitutional Court on the German debt brake entrenches climate injustice

As a major emitter of greenhouse gasses, Germany has a fundamental responsibility to show solidarity with developing countries suffering from the effects of climate change.…

Anti-Racism Law and its Limits

Daniel-Thabani NcubeOct 23, 202413 min read
Anti-Racism Law and its Limits

Contemplating the “Conceptual Blurriness of Race” By drawing upon insights of sociolegal thought, feminism and the US social context, this contribution argues that anti-racism law’s…

German police controls and structural racism

Johannes SiegelOct 18, 202411 min read
German police controls and structural racism

Since 15 March 2024, Germany has an ombudsperson for its federal police forces. The German Bundestag passed a law creating the Polizeibeauftragte des Bundes (federal…

Unmasking the Intractable: Exploring Anti-Racism and the Law

Prof. Dr Thoko KaimeOct 16, 202410 min read
Unmasking the Intractable: Exploring Anti-Racism and the Law

Racism trends across the world reveal persistent and evolving challenges despite legislative efforts and advancements in social cohesion. In the EU, an ominous rising wave…

The Darker Side of Chocolate: The Bittersweet Reality of Child Labour in Chocolate Production

Taydren van VurenOct 11, 202415 min read
The Darker Side of Chocolate: The Bittersweet Reality of Child Labour in Chocolate Production

Introduction In an increasingly interconnected global economy, the safeguarding of children’s rights has emerged as a critical concern, particularly regarding the operations of multinational corporations…

Placing the Affected at the Centre of the Debate

Lina SenguptaOct 4, 202416 min read
Placing the Affected at the Centre of the Debate

Opinion Paper: Those affected must be placed at the centre of the debate in order to ensure the implementation of existing documents with existing resources,…