Germany’s obligation under international law to make reparation payments to the Ovaherero for genocide

It is almost unanimously agreed upon that between 1904 and 1908 the German Empire committed genocide after today’s understanding (in the following “genocide”)[1] against the ethnic groups of Ovaherero and…

“We exist!” – Fighting homophobia in Tunisia: changing the laws and changing mentalities

OPINION Sifa 16 September 2022 Beginning of Queer visibility In 2011, the Tunisian people overthrew the regime of the despotic ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his familial clan…

The relationship between the African Union and the International Criminal Court – Is the ICC targeting Africa?

When the International Criminal Court (ICC) was founded in 2002, most states considered it to be a breakthrough for the international fight against crimes of war, genocides, and crimes against…

Electioneering Period and the LGBTQI+ Vote in Kenya

Kenya’s general election is slowly gearing up, with the elections slated for 9th August 2022. Any electioneering period in the country has always been marred with cases of violence, and…

Nothing new under the sun: LGBTQI+ rights as human rights

OPINION Rosa Ojwang 29 July 2022 I advocate for LGBTQI+ rights because I am a black, African woman, who has benefitted from the historical social justice movements, particularly, the Civil…

Child Trafficking in West Africa and the Question of Justice: How life under unjust structures weakens efforts to end human-trafficking

ANALYSIS Mitterand M. Okorie, PhD 22 July 2022 A recent report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) paints a disturbing picture of human trafficking in West…

Free and Equal: Towards a Fearless Future for the LGBTQI+ Community in Kenya

ANALYSIS Kilili Nthiw’a 15 July 2022 “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one…

Taking Pride in Nature and the Environment from a Queer Perspective: The Protection Nexus

OPINION Jan Maina 8 July 2022 The month of June, where two journeys of a planetary crisis and human liberation take place. One is the Pride and the other one…

Breaking through the colonial impositions: Africa, Queerness and the Law

OPINION Isabelle Zundel 1 July 2022 In the context of this year’s pride month celebration, I would like to reflect on and relate to Prof. Nyeck’s call to “Africanize queerness”[1]…

Resolution 275 and the realisation of LGBTIQ+ rights in Africa

ANALYSIS Dr Ayodele Sogunro & Sohela Surajpal 24 June 2022 In 2014, the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights adopted Resolution 275, the ‘Resolution on Protection against Violence and…