Introduction to the Series Child Labour in Malawi: Perspectives of Child Labour in Malawi

This article serves as introduction to a six-part series by author Desmond Mhango focusing on child labour in Malawi. The subject of child labour is a huge concern amongst policyholders…

To ensure that the disabled child has effective access to and receives education” – just a daydream or the reality?

During a volunteering project in the community Ekumpoano in Ghana, I encountered a man with a physical disability sitting alone in the sand. His infectious smile caught my attention and…

(No) News from Uganda: How Human Rights Defenders should address homophobic and transphobic politicking

This article was first published on on 14/04/2023.[1] In many countries across Africa, the promotion and protection of the rights of LGBTIQ+ citizens is one of the most contentious…

Social Justice in South Africa – Country and Society

The country they were fighting for In the context of World Social Justice Day on the 20th of February, Stellenbosch University streamed a lecture called “Is this the country we…

Dangerous Hope: A film that highlights the risk of human trafficking faced by forcibly displaced people in Nigeria

The anti-trafficking film Dangerous Hope[1] tells the story of forcibly displaced people in Nigeria who must stay alerted to fend off human traffickers or end up in worse conditions. This film…

Effects of Covid on Human Trafficking in Africa with a special focus on sex trafficking

The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many victims in the last three years. Hundreds of thousands of people died and millions lost their livelihoods which pushed as many as 124 million…

Colonial looted art – a long way home

According to the 2018 report “Restitution of African Cultural Heritage. Toward a New Relational Ethics” by Senegalese academic and writer Felwine Sarr and French art historian Bénédicte Savoy, almost the…

Observations around the decision of the Supreme Court of Kenya allowing the registration of the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission

News from Kenya Around ten years ago, the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) was refused permission to apply for registration as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) by the…

Should we let children work? Reflections from the field

While preparing for my fieldwork on climate change-induced child labour in Malawi, my preliminary research participants revealed that there is no literal translation of the phrase “child labour” in Chichewa,…

Litigating Reparations: Will Namibia be Setting Standards?

Note: This piece was first published on We thank the team and the author for the possibility to re-published the article here. Throughout the world, indigenous populations are in…