The Legal Status of Indigenous Peoples within the East African Community

Indigenous peoples are found across almost all the Partner States of the East Africa Community (EAC) and are broadly categorised into nomadic, semi-nomadic and hunter-gatherer communities. Defining Indigenous Peoples in…

Child Lab(our): A Systematic Model for Addressing Child Labour

Introduction Our daughter became overexcited after receiving the first letter addressed in her name, an invitation to attend a school entrance examination. She has always wanted to receive a letter…

Seeking asylum is no crime, and neither illegal

This could be your story. Imagine you grew up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which “is considered the world’s richest country in terms of wealth in natural…

EACC Cracks the Whip on Kenyan Public Servants in Double Employment

Introduction: Agnes Wanjiru’s Case On the 20th December 2023, the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) in Kenya, welcomed with jubilation the judgment of the Nyeri Employment and Labour Relations Court…

Navigating the Tightrope: Niger’s Law 2015-36 and the Delicate Balance of Migration Governance, Human Rights, and Geopolitical Dynamics

Introduction Legislative developments in Niger, epitomized by the enactment and subsequent repeal of Law 2015-36, represent a paradigmatic case of migration governance that intertwines geopolitical stratagems with profound socioeconomic and…

Sexuality Unbound: Exploring Power and Politics

Introduction: Reclaiming Voices, Redefining Norms My recent engagement with Nana Darkoa’s enlightening book, “The Sex Lives of African Women,”[1] has been nothing short of transformative. This book transcends being a…

Highlights of 2023: End-of-Year Review

Introduction In the vibrant tapestry of African legal and political developments in 2023, the African Legal Studies Blog has captured critical developments, weaving together the diverse threads of historical and…

Trading Economy for Public Health? Malawi’s Most Recent Dilemma

Introduction In the complex policymaking landscape, nations often confront a profound dilemma when economically crucial industries collide with public health imperatives.[1] This challenge is exemplified in Malawi’s agro-based economy, where…

Back to the Drawing Board: How Data Protection Impact Assessment Discourse Is Shaping Maisha Namba Project in Kenya 

A New Digital ID Project  Digital IDs are touted in the African Union Digital Transformation Strategy 2020-2030 as a tool for development. However, the roll-out and implementation of digital identity…

No Place of a Refuge? The Disturbing Trend of Reconceiving International Refugee Law

Reflections and Perspectives on the Externalization of the UK Asylum Policy in Rwanda Since 2015, there has been a movement of people reaching the shores of the European Union, also…