More than a 16 days Dose: Rethinking models of addressing gender-based violence

Introduction Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global epidemic that continues to devastate lives, particularly those of women and children. Despite numerous campaigns, policy frameworks, and international initiatives, GBV remains a…

Complementing the child labour legal framework through participatory approaches

In last week’s contribution, it has been established that Ghana’s legal framework accords children enough promise for protection from child labour. However, the fulfilment of this promise is being frustrated…

Child labour laws in Ghana: What’s next?

Child labour situation in Ghana The ILO’s 2020 report on child labour indicates that the sub-Saharan region now has more children in child labour than the rest of the world…

Child Lab(our): A Systematic Model for Addressing Child Labour

Introduction Our daughter became overexcited after receiving the first letter addressed in her name, an invitation to attend a school entrance examination. She has always wanted to receive a letter…

Trading Economy for Public Health? Malawi’s Most Recent Dilemma

Introduction In the complex policymaking landscape, nations often confront a profound dilemma when economically crucial industries collide with public health imperatives.[1] This challenge is exemplified in Malawi’s agro-based economy, where…

The Art of Observation: Unveiling the Power of Theatre

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves entangled in moments that beg for intervention. Either through words, actions or silence, depending on context. These…

Disasters as an Opportunity for Addressing Gender Inequality in Malawi

Current Climate Change Situation Climate change continues to take a toll on the lives of people across the globe. According to UN Women, the effects of it are so dire…

Time to act: Call for action against child labour in Malawi

The Malawi government developed the second National Action Plan on Child Labour (NAP II) from 2020 through 2025 to provide guidance on implementing the National Child Labour Policy. Experts believe…

Should we let children work? Reflections from the field

While preparing for my fieldwork on climate change-induced child labour in Malawi, my preliminary research participants revealed that there is no literal translation of the phrase “child labour” in Chichewa,…

Steve Biko on our shelves

So, the Chair of African Legal Studies has just restructured a particular section of its library by stocking it with books that are predominantly on colonialism and racism. My first…