Introduction Humanity is at a crossroads, confronted with the effects of climate change that no nation can solve on its own without working with others. It requires all countries to…
Author: Ange-Dorine Irakoze
Ange-Dorine Irakoze is a PhD Candidate at the Chair of African Legal Studies Bayreuth.
1. Introduction Natural resources, including minerals, belong to our common heritage, entrusted to present and future generations to support their respective needs.[1] In this respect, mineral resources have the potential…
Introduction Critical minerals are in particular demand for the transition to low-carbon and renewable energies to attain the goals of the Paris COP21 agreement. The energy transition is expected to…
ANAYLSIS Ange Dorine Irakoze 28 February 2022 The month of February is devoted to celebration of Black men and women who brawled for civil rights to establish social justice and…
ANALYSIS Ange-Dorine Irakoze The regime of mining ownership in the South African Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002 (MPRDA)[1] is founded on State’s custodianship rights. Under this custodianship, the…
ANALYSIS Ange-Dorine Irakoze 23 December 2021 Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are an international concern since they are inimical to the right to development provided in the UDHR, ICCPR and ICSECR.…